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A destination for the new Millennium…visit Cuba

varadero_6Varadero Beach

playa-paraiso-cubaPlaya Paraiso

The Old Havana, Cuba offers a marvelous architectural for the tourists who visit this city. Tourists can visit the Vieja district, Havana to enjoy a wonderful mix of art deco, neoclassical and baroque architecture.

Old Havana

4194537162_d48463d70a_bValle de Vinales, Cuba

Constructed in 1559, it was originally called Plaza Nueva. Over the years, it has seen many events and changes including markets, bullfights, fiestas, car parking and a couple of name changes. It's currently called Old Square, or Plaza Vieja.

Constructed in 1559, it was originally called Plaza Nueva. Over the years, it has seen many events and changes including markets, bullfights, fiestas, car parking and a couple of name changes. It’s currently called Old Square, or Plaza Vieja.

vacation-in-cubaSirena Beach

4774919045_cfaeb250e0_bPlaya Pilar, Cuba

tourists-plaza-de-la-catedral-havana-cuba_mainPlaza de la Catedral, Havana Cuba

fabrica_de_arteFabrica de Arte Cubano

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