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40 things to do in Prague,Czech Republic

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  • Walk across Charles Bridge.
  • Take a stroll around the Old Town Square.
  • Explore the Jewish Quarter.
  • Wander down the Golden Lane.
  • Test your deciphering skills at the Mind Maze.
  • Spend a day exploring Prague Castle.
  • Admire the stained glass inside St. Vitus Cathedral.
  • Pick up a roll of Trdelník.
  • Enjoy an evening at Prague National Theatre.
  • Enjoy a sliver of nature at Jelení Příkop.
  • Visit the KGB Museum.
  • Visit the library at the Strahov Monastery.
  • Walk down Nový Svět.
  • Listen to a concert at the National Museum.
  • Take a luxury car tour around the city.
  • Watch the Ast Catch Sigmund Freud dangling from a beam.
  • Drop by Kampa Island for a little visit.
  • Check out the Lennon Wall.
  • Soak in Art Nouveau at the Mucha Museum.
  • Take a tour of the Klementinum.
  • Take a walk around Vyšehrad.
  • Feed the swans on the banks of the Vltava River
  • Drop by “Farmer’s Market Jirak” on a Saturday.
  • Wander through the Vyšehrad Cemetery.
  • Check out the Museum of Communism.
  • Enjoy the art of puppetry.
  • Stroll past the Dancing House.
  • Take a scenic river cruise
  • Climb up to Petrin Hill
  • Drink a Pilsner.
  • Visit the Church of Our Lady in front of Týn.
  • See the Infant Jesus of Prague.
  • Visit the Frank Kafka Museum.
  • Go for a walk around Mala Strana.
  • Experience the city at night.
  • Drink Absinthe.
  • Admire cubist architecture.
  • Look up inside Prague’s train station.
  • Blink Twice at the Zizkov Tv Tower


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