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Beyond words, visit Bali Indonesia




  • Bali is a paradise of lush green rice paddies, beaches, volcanoes, temples, and friendly people
  • The island is a pocket of Hinduism in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation.
  • Balinese Hinduism is different from in India. It’s more animistic—the Balinese worship Hindu gods, but also the gods of the earth, mountains, and sea. There’s no untouchable caste and arranged marriages are very rare.
  • Temples are everywhere—in homes, offices, rice fields, beaches, and by lakes. There are even more small shrines—like the one in our garden where our landlord’s wife or daughter would come every few days with offerings.
  • Temple ceremonies are frequent—the Balinese take part in dozens a year at their family, village, and district temples.
  • You’ll often see processions of locals in traditional dress, the women with towering pyramids of fruit balanced on their heads as offerings.
  • Bali has an ancient dance tradition, with most dances connected to Hindu rituals.


       Two Things to Remember At Bali Airport

  1. Visa is US$25 per person. This gives you 30 days.
  2. To get out of Bali is 200,000RP approx. AUD$18 per person

       Kid-Free Adult Things to Do In Bali 

  1. Bali Quad & Canyon Tubing – ADVENTURE No 1, highly recommend
  2. Cooking class – watch, prepare and then you eat in a traditional Bali home
  3. Shop – better without tired kids
  4. Massage – much more relaxing when not entertaining tired kids
  5. Nightlife – eat, drink & be merry



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